Thursday, June 6, 2013

Write, Rewrite & Delete

I may not rinse, lather & repeat, as I am pretty sure that there is no need to actually repeat… it seems to benefit the hair product industry more than my actual hair ;)  However, I do write, rewrite & delete, much to the dismay of my keyboard.  I’m sure that my backspace key is the most worn out of all the keys. 

I’ve always enjoyed writing; my writing “career” dates back to elementary school.  I was the sole writer, publisher and marketer of my very own newspaper.  I even used to have my own news show, where I would broadcast the news in both English and Hindi, in an attempt to reach out to more viewers :)  I continued to write stories throughout school and was a section editor of my high school newspaper.  Most recently, I incorporated writing at my 9-5, where I wrote, published and distributed two monthly newsletters catered to two different audiences.  And, like all writers, I have an unfinished novel in the works.

Recently, I have been struggling with writing because I tend to overanalyze both the usage and aesthetic appeal of each word.  It’s so important to me that I write from the heart.  Yet, it’s equally important that the words string together in a harmonious manner. 

Write, rewrite & delete.  Story of my life.  Don’t get me wrong.  It is important to make revisions so that you can best express your ideas in a thoughtful manner.  After all, the first draft is hardly ever the best draft.  However, it’s also important not to become obsessed with perfection: the perfect story, the perfect paragraph, the perfect sentence, the perfect word.  I have even obsessed over the perfect punctuation marks.  Just to give you an idea… it has been 2.5 weeks since I created this blog and 2.5 weeks that I have been struggling to write the “perfect” first post.         

Think about how many stories we miss out on telling just because of this quest for perfection.  Perfection is subjective.  What is perfection to one may be subpar to another and vice versa.  Perfection does not exist in reality, only in our minds. 

I am going to make an oath to do the absolute best I can & not obsess over perfection.  Yes, I will continue my write, rewrite & delete pattern, mainly because I am a writer, but not to the extent that I currently do.  It will be difficult, but it is doable. 

 I have a strong vision in mind for missdesi and it’s time to make that vision reality.     

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