Saturday, January 18, 2014


For quite some time now, I have wanted to resurrect this little blog, but that just didn't happen.  And while I could give explanations, reasons, excuses, whatever you want to call them, I won't.  Because it's not about that.  It wasn't the right time.  But now it is.  I promise I won't let you down... or myself.

If you're curious as to why the delay, I suffer from what is known as perfectionitis, which I talk about in my first post: write, rewrite, delete.  I'm working on it!  I have to constantly remind myself that because perfection is subjective, there is no such thing as perfection (and thus, imperfection), but it'll still sneak up on me.  And when it does, I'll spend a lot of time on something, only to continuously remain displeased with the final outcome.  Case in point: my hair.

One day this past summer I had a mini revelation as I was doing my hair.  I was standing in front of the mirror (as in I couldn't get any closer) and I had been standing there for about ten minutes.  I had already blow-dried and styled my hair.  I was just making sure it looked presentable before I left to go for a party.  I kept staring at the little flyaways floating across the top of my head like a halo.  I kept staring at the tendrils that insisted on doing their own thing.  I started to reapply styling product to tame the flyaways, change my part, brush my hair again... and then I took a step back.

Just one step.  To the distance that most people still wouldn't be at while we were talking.  And I looked fine.  In fact, my hair looked pretty good, if I might add.

Do you ever find yourself obsessing over something that only you would really notice?

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